Šangaj Tops Group CO., LTD

21 godina iskustva u proizvodnji

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The Ribbon Blender is a widely used mixing device in various industries, renowned for its ability to effectively blend powders and granules. Its design features a U-shaped horizontal trough and a solid mixing shaft, with spiral blades known as ribbons attached to the shaft. Ova konfiguracija omogućuje vrpcama i osovini da se međusobno podržavaju, stvarajući učinkovito okruženje za miješanje.

Načelo rada:
Dizajn vrpce: vrpce su dizajnirane u spiralnom ili spiralnom obliku, obično s jednom vrpcom koja se kreće s jednog kraja blendera na drugi, dok druga vrpca pomiče materijal u suprotnom smjeru. This dual motion ensures a thorough mix.

Smicanje i miješanje: dok se vrpce okreću, materijal je podvrgnut smičnim silama. The ingredients move around the trough, ensuring that even materials with different particle sizes and densities can be uniformly mixed.

Šarba ili kontinuirano miješanje: vrpci mješavine mogu raditi u i u seriji ili u kontinuiranim procesima, ovisno o primjeni i dizajnu stroja.

At the heart of the ribbon blender's functionality is its mixing action, driven by a gear motor that rotates the agitator at a peripheral speed of approximately 28 to 46 feet per minute. Kad se osovina okreće, vrpca pomiče materijal kružnim pokretom duž korita, olakšavajući temeljito miješanje.

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Kretanje vrpci ključno je za postupak miješanja. The outer ribbon pushes the material toward the center of the blender, while the inner ribbon directs it back towards the walls of the trough. This coordinated movement creates a dynamic flow where materials are transported in opposite directions laterally and axially (along the horizontal axis of the blender). Dok se materijali sudaraju unutar blendera, oni stvaraju konvekciju, promičući homogenu mješavinu.

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Blender vrpce postiže dvije primarne mješavine: radijalne i dvossijalne. Radijalno miješanje uključuje kretanje materijala prema sredini, dok dvo-aksijalno miješanje olakšava bočno kretanje. This dual action fosters both small-scale random motion (diffusion) and large-scale random motion (convection), along with shear forces that enhance the mixing process. The ribbon's rotation effectively pushes materials upward from the bottom of the container, allowing them to flow in the opposite direction at the top, thus establishing a continuous circulation flow. This thorough movement ensures that different types of materials come into full contact with each other, significantly improving mixing uniformity.

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Post Vrijeme: ožujak-06-2025